Starting in August-2020 we interviewed 16 certified M&A agencies and by September we narrowed the field to four The finalists including one who had won national titles for their work three years running. However, we did not end up selecting the latter, despite their credentials. Crossroads stood out from the start because of their superior organization, thoroughness of protocols, and above all being communicative. During the final rounds of interviews it also became clear that they will also be easier than average to work with. For one they did not mind the repeated questions and chats regarding the minutiae of the process and what-ifs. Their commission tiers were not at the top nor the bottom. In October we selected Crossroads as our agent, and from there our experience with Crossroads was very smooth. Even-though there were nearly 70 interested inquiries, we did not actually had to spend time with more than the three best prospects, while Crossroads screened the remainder on its own. No further detail should be necessary here, other than the fact we found our new shareholders within five months, and the bid was 4% higher than our offer price.