Job Seekers and Franchise Options
Why buying a franchise can be a career choice
Author: Vasilis Georgiou, CBI, M&AMI, CBB, MBA, CIRM
President, CrossRoads Business Brokers, Inc./ Franchise Consultant with FranChoice
In our professional life, we really have 3 choices when it comes to making a living. Each option has its advantages and challenges:
Staying the course with a job
Staying in a job may provide the security of a paycheck, benefits, and that 401K matching contribution. But there is never real security, and at the end of the day you are building wealth for the company, not yourself.
Go it alone as an entrepreneur
Becoming an entrepreneur is liberating. You get to come up with your own idea and act on it. Be your own boss. Have control. Biggest challenge: coming up with that original idea and then finding the capital, the systems/processes, and the people to execute. While you are embedded day to day in making it grow, you also have to worry about the big picture strategy, and staying a step ahead of the competition.
Partner with success through a franchise
The biggest advantage in going with a franchise is that the Franchisor has teams of people that already developed the system and processes necessary for execution, as well as the high level strategy and direction that needs to be continuously refined. You also have a verifiable model that has been put in use successfully before. Biggest challenge: Thinking that a Franchisor will do everything for you. You still have to make it happen at the local level.
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